Tag: α

Review: “α” by Itself Timeless

Recorded by Russ Russell (Evile, Napalm Death, At The Gates) before being mixed and mastered by Maciej “Jonson” Wiergowski (Entropia, Ewelina Lisowska), “α” marks the debut EP of the mysterious London Post-Metal collective Itself Timeless. Preceded by a couple of singles the band use art like phrasings like “the essence of being human” to distance

NEWS: Itself Timeless begin a new chapter?

Taking a visually unconventional approach to the genre by contrasting cuts of clay-sculpting against an expressive performance by a faceless body, London based Post-Metal collective Itself Timeless have returned to their Russ Russell (Napalm Death, Dimmu Borgir, At the Gates) recorded EP “α” for a music video for a cut titled “4“. Shot by Remains