The Annual EMP sponsored Persistence Tour rolls into London and the O2 Forum in Kentish Town bringing with it a fine selection of bands within various Hardcore Sub-genres. Each show on the tour has had a local band opening up, however this afternoon is different. West Midlands Extreme Metallers Napalm Death are the special guests!
The Annual Persistence Tour will once again be upon our shores for a single date in January! The Hardcore Meets Metal tour ploughs it’s way across Europe with some big names until finally stopping in London! The line-up for the annual one dayer has been unveiled as follows; SICK OF IT ALL IGNITE WALLS OF
With 3 additional bands yet to be announced (last year’s incarnation was 7 strong), this year’s incarnation of Persistence Tour will once again have a single UK show on 27th January at the O2 Forum in Kentish Town, London alongside the usual German, Belgian & Czech republic shows. The bands announced so far are Sick