Continuing the previews of their upcoming new album, Swamp dwellers Cane Hill have dropped a new single in”Permanence In Sleep“. The record itself will appear on 25th October via Out Of Line Music and is titled “A Piece Of Me I Never Let You Find”. A UK tour with Australians The Gloom In The Corner
Just because they were in Europe earlier this year with Resolve doesn’t mean that Americans Cane Hill won’t be back. They’ve booked a headlining run with Australian’s The Gloom In The Corner in celebration of their 25th October via Out Of Line Music releasing album “A Piece Of Me I Never Let You Find”, a title
A surprise inclusion on the Decade Of Swam US and Canada tour with Century Media Deathcore brutes Signs Of The Swarm, Ov Sulfur, 156/Silence and A Wake In Providence means that Cane Hill are going to need to bring out the big guns to compete. Having stated they were working on a third full length
A sweltering Saturday evening in early May makes it feel like the summer has reached England’s green and pleasant land early this year, especially when you’re passed by someone in a bikini as you’re queuing to enter the iconic Camden Underworld in the heart of London. We’re joined by Jordan Bell from Full Stride PR
Including a guest vocal appearance from Elijah Witt of Cane Hill fame, 13th October will see the arrival of mambo number five from American bad luck crew VCTMS. The latest pre-release installment of their brand of nu-metal, hardcore and hip-hop infused Metalcore has surfaced in “Twist The Rage” which comes just a few days before
Never did we think we would see the day if for no other reason than the bands feel to be at separate ends of the Metal food chain but VCTMS have been joined by Elijah Witt of Cane Hill for a new single titled “Bitter // Pill“. Be warned, the music video should be avoided
…And now for a little bit of Borders. The Lincoln quartet have finally seen the release of their Arising Empire debut “Bloom Season” after what seems like forever and are celebrating with a lyric video for new cut and cautionary tale “I Get High” which warns of the power of substance and alcohol abuse. If
“There are various depictions of Hell, generally focussed around fire and brimstone, pure evil, and sonically brooding or crushingly heavy. Our version of Hell runs differently; it’s chaotic, it’s operatic, and it’s different for every character. Time is inconsistent, non-linear, shifting backwards and forwards without warning. Welcome to the Rabbit Hole” ~ Mikey Arthur
Another day, another dollar, another sweet single from Lincoln’s Borders as they continue to press ahead with plans for World domination alongside Arising Empire. The new cut is called “Fix This” and makes it five by our count from their next album “Bloom Season” which will appear on 18th November. If you haven’t already noticed,
A fourth single titled “Pandora’s Box” and featuring a guest vocal appearance from Lauren Babic of Red Handed Denial has appeared from the upcoming 28th October releasing album “Trinity” from Australian cinema-core specialists The Gloom In The Corner. The album is one that finds the band joined by a myriad of guests as they tell