Tag: Dawn of Corruption

Review: “Tsukuyomi: The Origin” by Distant

What is an anniversary without a celebration? There can be no denying that Dutch Downtempo Deathcore enthusiasts Distant are on the crest of a wave at the moment and so in acknowledgement of their hard work they raise a poison chalice at the end of a decade of destruction with “Tsukuyomi: The Origin”. An expanded

NEWS: Distant dance with the devil?

Joined by Alex Erian of the genre pioneers Despised Icon, ahead of the imminent arrival of their new album “Tsukuyomi: The Origin” a music video directed by Pavel Trebukhin for “Acolytes Of Damnation” has surfaced via Century Media from Downtempo Deathcore enthusiasts Distant. In honor of their 10th anniversary, the album is a reimagining of

NEWS: Distant suffer for love?

Set to wreck European stages with Austrian Death Machine and Ghost Iris ahead of an appearance at a sold out Summer Breeze Festival in Germany in August, the ever prolific Rotterdam Deathcore unit Distant have pulled a new track seemingly out of nowhere. Titled “Loveless Suffering” it’s their first since their debut album “Heritage” with

NEWS: Distant upgrade “Exofilth” to 2.0!

“Insidious madness, the furious anger, The blood that runs in our veins, Runs nothing but hatred, Runs nothing but hate, The wounds are healed now only revenge remains, The renaissance of the darkness, the void eternal”

NEWS: Distant get rewired for “Born Of Blood”?

Keeping the name of Rotterdam Downtempo Deathcore heavy hitters Distant in the headlines hasn’t been an issue since they signed to Century Media for the release of their album “Heritage”. From that record they’ve plucked “Born Of Blood” for a remix by Big Chocolate that follows an instrumental version of the album and appears ahead

NEWS: Distant unveil “Paradigm Shift” video!

In a classic game of see which members of other bands you can spot, Century Media Deathcore soul obliterators Distant have shared a live video for “Paradigm Shift” from the most recent excursion and first for the label in “Heritage“. That little exercise will also tell you which heavy hitting your the footage was captured

NEWS: Lorna Shore to return in November!

They may have only just departed our shores but November will see Symphonic Deathcore titans Lorna Shore bringing Rivers Of Nihil, Ingested and Distant on a march across Europe from Den Bosch in The Netherlands to Oberhausen in Germany. During that run there will be six stops in the United Kingdom with the suggestion that there

Bootleg: Distant in Anaheim California!

A pro-shot full set from Century Media signings Distant at the iconic Chain Reaction in Anaheim California on 14th March courtesy of 197 Media is exactly what the edge of the seat was made for. The Rotterdam Netherlands based Downtempo Deathcore collective are ridding high on the crest of a wave with “Heritage” which of

NEWS: Who will join Distant for “Argent Justice” on May?

Resistance is futile and the inevitable full European tour trek to accompany “Heritage“, the Century Media debut from Downtempo Deathcore bruisers Distant has finally been announced. The run will see them joined by Extortionist, Dagger Threat and Abbie Falls as they start and end the tour in Germany, heading from Hannover to Bochum in a