Tag: Dry Cough Records

Review: “Moral Obscenity” by Trench Foot

It’s been ten months and two space tinged tracks since multi instrumentalist mastermind Joe Bradley (vocals, guitars, bass and drum programming) troubled our ear drums and poisoned our minds with his brand of Death Metal with “Sacraficial Gore” from solo project Trench Foot. Utilizing the skills of Adam Rogers at Pitlab Leeds for mixing and

Bootleg: “Finality” from Penny Coffin!

Part Greek part Scottish all Death Metal quartet Penny Coffin have been building the mountain with live shows a plenty in recent times and have shared a rendition of “Finality” from their set at Tooth ‘n Claw in Inverness on 14th May for your viewing pleasure. The cut is from their recently released Dry Cough

Exclusive Interview: 20 Questions with… Penny Coffin!

Two EPs down and Scottish Greek Death Metallers Penny Coffin are fast making a name for themselves in the Underground Metal scene from which they have arisen to plague us. Celebrating the arrival of not only “ΣΚΕΛΕΤΙΚΟ ΣΚΟΤΑΔΙ” (Greek for “Skeletal Darkness“) but also the release of both EPs (the other being “ΤΕΦΡΑ” or “Ashes” pronounced

Review: “ΣΚΕΛΕΤΙΚΟ ΣΚΟΤΑΔΙ” by Penny Coffin

If there is one thing that being locked in the heat of the eternal fires of a hellish tormented confinement helps nurture, it is creativity and to that end just nine months after Scottish Greek Death Metal quartet Penny Coffin released their debut EP “ΤΕΦΡΑ” (or “Ashes” pronounced “Tefra”), they have returned with a sophomore recording