Tag: Exuvian Heraldry

Review: “Of Lineages Long Forgotten” by Katharos

Back in 2017 Swedish Symphonic Black Metal quartet Katharos presented their debut album “Exuvian Heraldry” which found the band influenced and inspired by the unholy trinity of Emperor, Dimmu Borgir and Death. A Goliath of a debut album, it’s complexities and nuances rewarding with each repeated listen with a dark majesty that heightens the senses

NEWS: Katharos premier “Those Hornclad”!

The five year long awaited follow up to “Exuvian Heraldry” from Swedish Symphonic Black Metallers Katharos is approaching on the horizon with Willowtip Records setting 13th May for the release. The label have shared a second single in “Those Hornclad” from the album “Of Lineages Long Forgotten” which was recorded at the infamous Necromorbus Studio