Tag: Lich King

Review: “Prison Realm” by Legionary

“For years, I’ve been wanting to have a clean singer on a Legionary record. As my melodies continued to get better, it just seemed like the next logical progression for me to take. I did everything else that I wanted to musically (write an 11-minute epic, write multiple brutal/epic EPs), so it just seemed like

NEWS: Legionary want you to question everything!

Joined by former lead guitarist Tony Barhoum, vocalist Chris Clancy of Mutiny Within and bassist Mike Dreher of Condition Critical and Lich King, multi instrumentalist mastermind Frank D’Erasm has reanimated the corpse of his Bronx Melodic Death Thrash band  Legionary one more time. Together they have created an EP in “Prison Realm” from his nightmarish

Vs. Tuesday: Two Bands! One Song! Who Wins? FIGHT! Exodus!

Aside from Testament, Exodus are arguably the other biggest band outside of the Big Four of Thrash, best known for Gary Holt’s incredible guitar work and although they’ve had a myriad of frontmen including Rob Dukes who is the man (“Shovel Headed Kill Machine” enough said!) , probably Steve “Zetro” Souza’s uniquely dry vocals. Although