Tag: Louis Jucker

NEWS: Trounce share “The Crippled Saint”!

Who releases a double album as their debut? Swiss Alternative Metal act Trounce that’s who. They’re preparing a feast for the senses in “The Seven Crowns + Live at Roadburn” which will see the cold light of day on 20th October via Hummus Records and have shared a fourth single in “The Crippled Saint” alongside an animated music

NEWS: Trounce get back on the wheel?

Masterminded by Coilguns guitarist and Hummus Records maestro Jonathan Nido, a new project called Trounce has emerged with “The Wheel“, the first single from a Dark Funeral inspired album titled “The Seven Crowns“, to be released via the label on 20th October. The Swiss Metal act finds him joined by Luc Hess (Coilguns, Louis Jucker, Closet