Burning The Padre celebrated the release of their EP “Misanthropy” in mid December 2019 and offer up an instrumental version of it over at bandcamp. The Birmingham natives, who are joined by Josh Davies of Monasteries on the title track, have invested in a music video shot by Dedset Productions for “Spineless Lech“.
The O2 Academy Islington London is our destination tonight for the penultimate show of the UK leg of the “Pressure” tour and there are two immediate no-no moments as we enter the venue that have facepalm written all over them. The first is that “Stitch” by Wage War is playing over the PA as the
Around a year in the making, West Midlands Modern Metal meets Deathcore act Burning The Padre have unleashed their demon with their debut release “Misanthropy“. Featuring a guest vocal appearance from Josh Davis of Monasteries, vocalist Tom Knight, bassist Richard Jevons, drummer Josh Platts and guitarist duo Sean Bhalroo and Leigh Sprason (who also handled