Tag: NightWraith

Review: “Divergence” by NightWraith

Taking the path less travelled, Denver Colorado based Progressive Melodic Death Metal collective NightWraith have spent the past eight years writing, recording and performing music that has been created based on a concept approach. Stripping away and preconceived ideas of genre and instead letting their ideas form organically has allowed them to explore unique musical

NEWS: NightWraith are trapped in eternal darkness?

Mixed and Mastered by Zack Ohren (Machine Head, Warbringer, Fallujah) Denver Colorado Progressive Melodic Death Metal band NightWraith have a third album in “Divergence” arriving on 13th September. Continuing the bands previous explorations of the genre with a fresh eclectic and intuitive approach, you can expect to hear additional elements including Pedal Steel Guitar, Baritone

NEWS: NightWraith share “Whispers of Dragonflies”!

Joined by a myriad of guests adding additional elements including Pedal Steel Guitar, Baritone Saxophone, Concert Flute and Auxiliary Percussion, Denver Colorado Melodic Death Metal band NightWraith have a third album in “Divergence” in store for us on 13th September. Mixed and Mastered by Zack Ohren (Machine Head, Warbringer, Fallujah), the album continues the bands previous