Produced by the renowned Simon Efemey (Napalm Death, Paradise Lost, Deceased) and adorned in the instantly recognisable artwork of Koot (Saxon, Girlschool, The Almighty) an album which continues the death march of Preston Thrash crew Solitary while tackling difficult subjects ranging from abuse and addiction to the war in Ukraine has arrived in “Embrace The
A third track cut from the freshly released DVD+CD package “XXV Live At Bloodstock” from Thrash Metal lords Solitary has surfaced in “The Edge Of Violence“. One that takes pride of place on the bands 2017 album “The Diseased Heart Of Society“, it highlights the horrors victims of domestic violence suffer every day with this
If the title of the track was switched with the band name we’d have a running joke but we’re going to brush that one under the carpet and simply say that from the revisited limited edition 2019 EP “XXV” that has been remixed by Mike Bew (Cancer) and remastered by Martin Buchwalter (Accuser, Destruction, Tankard) to accompany their “Live at