Tag: Zygnema

NEWS: Zygnema hustle everyday!

Blending traditional Indian musical elements with modern Groove Metal while centring itself around the band’s pride in their city and in their people, “Grind” has been chosen by Zygnema for the full music video treatment. It’s not a new track but one which takes pride of place on their current EP “Iconic” as the Mumbai

Playthrough: “Choco Slam” from Zygnema!

If you haven’t already had the pleasure then Indian Groove merchants Zygnema are giving you every opportunity to hear things from their current EP “Iconic“. Their latest burnt offering is a guitar playthrough for “Choco Slam” that involves gear from Laney, Cort guitars, Seymour Duncan pickups and SIT strings shot and edited by Saurabh Kolambkar