13th September 2023
NEWS: Barbarian Swords climb skull mountain!
The story goes that in July 2022, Spanish bastions of True Nihilist Black Doom Metal Barbarian Swords recorded, mixed and mastered not one but two albums with Javi Félez at Moontower Studios (Deströyer 666, Teitanblood, Graveyard). 15 months on via Eternal Juggernaut Records the first of those is set to materialise in “Anti-Dogma Megaforce” but be warned. This is not the first half of a double album split by hatchet. There is no conjoining concept. This is the first of two entirely separate entities of sonic destruction as evidenced by “A Mountain Of Corpses“. The cover artwork has been created by the legendary Chris Moyen (Incantation, Blasphemy, Aura Noir) and the release is set for 6th October…
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