NEWS: War Curse defend The Convoy!
Old school Thrash Metal with new school aggression? That will be Cincinnati, Ohio outfit War Curse who are preparing to unleash “Confession” via Metal Blade Records on 20th October. It promises no less than ten fresh cuts of groove, dynamics and riffs galore without any compromise, four long years after 2019’s “Eradication” set the tone. They’ve shared “The Convoy” to follow the “Miracle Broker” to offer a second preview. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
The band comment: “A number of prominent tyrants surfaced during the pandemic. Power hungry, seething scumbags who allowed their true colors to show. Very few private citizens had the will or the means to stand up to them. ‘The Convoy’ is a modern day battle hymn written for the people who risked their livelihood and reputations for our individual liberties. May every power drunk dictator one day find themselves at the end of a short rope.”
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