Review: “Self Titled” by Aphelion Entity

A Death Metal act with lyrics steeped in the lore of H.P. Lovecraft and Cosmic Horror might not be a rare breed but most manage to put their own unique spin on tales from realms of unknowable terror and unfathomable creatures. A New York based Technical Death Metal outfit, who formed in 2021 and comprise three parts  Needlepusher and one Florid Ekstasis join those ranked hordes, offering self titled EP as a virgin sacrifice. Recorded and mixed by Eli Ben Yaacov (Gutsaw, Powerwasher, Barnyard Sharks) at The Nest before being mastered by Colin Marston (Panopticon, Imperial Triumphant, Atheist) at Menegroth, The Thousand Caves Aphelion Entity promise intense scenes of alien subjugation, cosmic invaders and existential dread alongside themes of extra-terrestrial emperors and interdimensional sacrifices…

Purposefully a little raw around the edges, the quality of the recording gives Aphelion Entity a nostalgic old school charm for their debut release without taking away any of their technicality. Perhaps less refined, there are flavours of Frozen Soul and perhaps even Bacterial Husk are scattered throughout these cuts with the ability create something a little more avant-garde in the vein of Imperial Triumphant should they so desire. Bass heavy with cavernous vocals and dirge laden riffs, the approach on “Extraterrestrial Etiology Of Myocardial Infarction” is to build dark clouds of Death Metal atmosphere in in which alien beings dwell and it works incredibly well. While the solo may not be at the forefront of the mix, it is still effective, the band not afraid to offer up extended instrumentals if needs be. Conjuring images of violence as beasts battle each other in depths of space and the storytelling abilities of Jon Bruno are second to none, his bellow occasionally broken for something a little more fierce. Menacing and sinister “Hypoborean Invader” then rises to the surface, a slower introduction transitioning into a rampage at a blood thirsty tempo. An eerie eclectic solo might catch you off guard on the first couple of spins but in truth its a nice touch, as is the bass solo that follows it. Chugging, lurching technical riffs fly in all directions with the freedom of an improvised jam session and mesmerise before slamming you in the guts.

The punishment doesn’t stop there either as “Surreptitious Cosmogenic Extraction” goes deeper into the rabbit hole of existential dread in darker fashion. Bursts of violent turbulence rise and then fall before rising again like the pain behind the eyes which you can’t quite shake. The pacing threatens to derail the train but somehow they manage to keep things tight despite the odds being stacked up against it. By the time “Enraptured By Ophanim” arrives Bruno’s vocals have become unhinged to the point where his throat is merely an implement of sonic destruction and the lyrics are no longer decipherable. Not that that takes anything away from the bloodcurdling onslaught, which sounds like a Deicide demo from a basement recording in the early 90’s. Once again playing with depth and texture, the rhythmic dynamics on this one are immense, dense slabs of rhythm guitars smashing the brain cells like they were nothing but pinballs trapped in a machine. This probably won’t win any awards for being as fresh and dynamic as it actually is in places, but if this is just the starting point then the future holds much promise for Aphelion Entity [7.5/10]

Track Listing

1. Extraterrestrial Etiology Of Myocardial Infarction
2. Hypoborean Invader
3. Surreptitious Cosmogenic Extraction
4. Enraptured By Ophanim

Self Titled” by Aphelion Entity is out 21st June 2024 via Lifeless Chasm Records and is available over at bandcamp.

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