Review: “Great Spawn of the Worms of the Earth” by Krypt
Forged in the fires of West End Sound in Atlanta with Tom Tapley (Venomous Concept, Mastodon, Lockup) at the helm Augusta Georgia’s Krypt have created a weapon with which to enter the battle field once more. “Great Spawn of the Worms of the Earth” is a record which delves into themes of corruption, internal strife and relentless survival against a backdrop of societal decay, all soaked in Blackened Thrash. As a band, their journey began in 2019 and the four piece haven’t looked back since, releasing an EP in 2021’s “Enter the Krypt” and a full length album in 2022’s “Ripe With Sin” up to this point, each one following a distinctive yet familiar pattern of evil lyrics with adrenaline fuelled Thrash riffs.
A lot has been said about the rise of Blackened sub-genres of Metal but with an introduction soaked in Black Metal that then transcends into violent and aggressive Thrash for “Burden of the Beast” feels like the money shot from Krypt. Rich with dark and swirling atmospherics followed by that gut punch it combines both genres like adding a mixer to your spirit of choice, so the the balance is perfect. They actually bring back those introduction sounds to give the track a grand finale which is a nice touch especially given Julian Chew’s old school barked vocal style. A whirlwind of an instrumental, “Corruption” is an all out Thrash attack delivered at merciless neck snapping speed, it’s 106 second run time designed for a quick circle pit without over cooking it. Adam Dickerson showcases his drumming repertoire with some Death Metal inspired fills and deserves a lot of credit for ensuring this one has a solid driving force behind it. Yes as it’s Thrash, people will talk about the big four but in reality there is minimal Slayer influence here as the band have forged ahead with creating their own sound.
A five and a half minute affair that has no vocals until the half way point “Incinerate Eviscerate” is an intriguing composition that evolves as it plays out with the distinctive air of Unearth about it in the second half. An extended Old School Thrash solo is a face melting moment which cracks a smile, reminding of just how good those tape trading days back in the 80’s really were. Doing exactly what it says on the tin “Unreleting” is a restless and relentless beast of a track that disposes of the need for an introduction and gets to the heart of the matter early on. Rattling the cage with Black Metal blast beats and another trademark solo, this one plays out with the adrenaline rush of a fire fight, taking a leaf from the book of Spanish Thrash Gods Angelus Apatrida in the process. All in all with these four tracks Krypt breathe new life and lighting bolt energy into Thrash by not being afraid to lean on their influences from other genres. Don’t sleep on this. [8.5/10]
Track Listing
- Burden of the Beast
- Corruption
- Incinerate Eviscerate
- Unrelenting
“Great Spawn of the Worms of the Earth” by Krypt is out 26th July 2024 via Terminus Hate City