NEWS: Medusian unchain the Toymaker!
…with special thanks to Hani Abo Souf, Luella Kamperi, David Tiago da Silva and Johanna Masalin a music video for “Toymaker” from Gothenburg Extreme Metal band Medusian has arrived leaving scorch marks in its wake. Directed by Robert Hellström, it is a fifth single of 2024 whereby an original story is built upon a foundation of heavy guitars, fast drums, intricate bass, expressive vocals and massive orchestration…
The and comments: “In our new song, Toymaker, we used the lyrics to tackle the struggle of artistry and self acceptance. Telling the story of an old man who has committed his entire life to developing his work, without ever taking time to develop himself or his understanding of himself, we use the perspective of the old toys he has grown ashamed of to provide an outside look at why the artist cannot accept himself. Pairing this story with the over the top soundtrack like orchestration, along with a gothic tone painted over our progressive metal influences, Toymaker is one of our favourites on the EP without question. We’re extremely proud of it and we feel all artists will be able to connect with the message in its story.”