Interview: Trip To The Morgue talk “Toe Tagged And Body Bagged” with Antichrist Magazine TV!

Back in September debut album “Toe Tagged and Body Bagged” arrived on Planet Metal courtesy of Victorville, Californian Thrash, Punk and Grindcore maniacs Trip to the Morgue and WormHoleDeath Records. An intriguing record which was long in the works due to the bands revolving door of musicians, it finds a stable line up of bassist and vocalist Cyco Dave (Caper, Deadsent, Diesect), drummer Vincent Rizzo (DMT) and guitarist duo Joey Maddox and J Patrick McCosar (Augmented Chaos, ex-August Redmoon) inflicting maximum damage. Then there is single “Digging Your Grave” which sees them joined by none other than Mitch Harris of Napalm Death. Obvious candidates for an interview with Antichrist Magazine TV then?

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