Tag: Abhorrent Decimation

Exclusive Interview: Vexed on Tech-Fest and all the rest!

We had the pleasure of of not only witnessing the onslaught of a set from Deathcore quartet Vexed at the Fireball Whiskey stage at UK Tech-Fest but also of meeting frontwoman Megan Targett afterwards. Having released just a pair of singles in “Dominate” and “Elite” prior to the 2019 incarnation of the event, they were

Live Review: UK Tech-Fest Day #2: Friday

Day #2 of UK Tech-Fest has plenty of treats in store including some very new bands. Originally called Perception and now incorporating large doses of Post-hardcore melodic elements to create a bastardised version of their older sound, Keepsake [7/10] get the Fireball Whiskey stage off to a sweaty start. It’s an emotive set that is

NEWS: Ingested London One Dayer!

Ingested and Tone Management have announced the expansion of the bands London album launch show at Birthdays on 7th April to become a full on one dayer. Osiah and Harbinger will be including the stop on their co-headlining tour. Here’s the lineup in full; Ingested Osiah Abhorrent Decimation A Trust Unclean Harbinger Drifted A Night