Tag: Aesthetic Death

NEWS: Mourning Dawn bathe in the midnight sun!

After releasing their sixth studio album “The Foam of Despair” last month via Aesthetic Death and Tragedy Productions, French black-doom metal torchbearers Mourning Dawn have shared a music video for the compact disc bonus track “Midnight Sun“. Pushing the envelope for the genre as a whole once more with a freedom seldom sought after, the

Review: “The Foam Of Despair” by Mourning Dawn

Having been mixed and mastered by Olmo “Déhà” Lipani (Abduction, Wolvennest, Black Autumn) at Opus Magnum studios back in September 2022, “The Foam Of Despair” has been a long time coming from French Blackened Doom Metal torchbearers Mourning Dawn. A sixth studio album in a career that goes back more than two decades, it is

NEWS: Suffer Yourself plead insanity…

Adorned by “Eye of the Dark Star” (1993), a piece of artwork from Austrian surrealist painter Otto Rapp, the use of which was approved by the the artist himself, Death Doom institution Suffer Yourself will unleash their fourth album “Axis of Tortures” on 22nd  September via Aesthetic Death. A second of six cuts has premiered

NEWS: Suffer Yourself premier “Axis Despair”!

Following the success of their third album “Rip Tide” in 2021, Stockholm Sweden based Death Doom Metal institution Suffer Yourself took the opportunity to do tours of both Scandinavia and Belgium, once the global pandemic restrictions had lifted. A period of gigs which far exceeded what the band might normally undertake, it left them rejuvenated