Tag: Chamelion

NEWS: Serpent Fire unveil “Disengage”!

Uniting members and former members of such household names as Gorem, Vinnfrost, Nex Locus, Man Eating Tree, Corpset, Poisonblack and Chamelion a band combining Melodic Death Metal with that Northern Finland melancholy are about to release debut EP “Pathways“. An Inverse Records release set for 31st October, it will see Serpent Fire celebrating the culmination of

Review: “Pathways” by Serpent Fire

A project from a seasoned group of veteran musicians, Serpent Fire came to life in 2022 when Jukka Piironen ended a long hiatus from making music. He started the band as a studio project with Jukka Mursu (Gorem, Vinnfrost, Nex Locus) and with songs taking skeletal form thick and fast they decided to record an EP. Reaching

NEWS: Serpent Fire offer a virgin sacrifice!

After taking a break from music, guitarist Jukka Piironen decided to start a fresh project with vocalist Jukka Mursu (Gorem, Vinnfrost, Nex Locus). As the song writing partnership blossomed, the duo went in search of other musicians to round out the group and found guitarist J.K Hel (ex- Man Eating Tree, Corpset), keyboard player Marco