Tag: Intense

Bootleg: Thronetorcher at VRC Fest!

Pro-Shot by Edge Media at VRC Fest in Gardegelen Germany on 4th May, here’s a full set from Thronetorcher! The group formed of ex-members of INTENSE, BROKEN HUMANITY and FELONY released their debut EP “Eden’s Poison” in 2018! Hardcore at its finest.

NEWS: “Lords Of Disease” music video from Thronetorcher!

Jonas Wolff has taken the directors chair for the official music video for “Lord Of Disease” by Thronetorcher, a metallic hardcore crew featuring former members of Intense, Broken Humanity & Felony. Their debut EP “Eden’s Poison” has recently appeared on BDHW Records. Pre-order bundles are still available here.

NEWS: Thronetorcher release single “Animal Mind”!

Throwntorcher have released their debut single for BDHW records entitled “Animal Mind”. The single comes from the bands upcoming new EP for the label “Eden’s Poison” which will see release on 25th May with pre-orders including a vinyl edition available on 6th April. Thronetorcher are a Metallic Hardcore supergroup of sorts featuring former members of