A third throw of the creative dice for Melodic Hardcore quartet Ephemera has earned them the support of the Morning Star Heresy Music Group as a a collective of seasoned musicians with a wealth of prior convictions strive to make this one count. They’ve all experienced the highs and the lows the underground scene has
A quartet hailing from deepest, darkest Yorkshire with Hardcore roots who have been there, done that and got the t-shirt in other bands, the debut EP from Ephemera (meaning things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time) titled “Why did you come here? Part 1” arrived on 18th September 2021
Need a demolition crew to destroy a brownfields site so you can build something new on the land? Yorkshire Hardcore quartet Ephemera are the band for you! They’ve planted the seed that Guerilla gigs maybe a way forward for both them and the scene so expect them to appear everywhere from the Chinese to the
Yorkshire Hardcore quartet Ephemera have been generating a lot of noise of late and rattling a few cages with their sophomore EP “Somewhere Between Order and Chaos”. Mixed and mastered by Beauty School guitarist Grant Beeden Clayton and landing via Kingside Records in late December, it includes big single “Sick” with the band building on
A band comprised of musicians with a wealth of experience in other bands who know the highs and lows of the underground scene and have felt every frustration, Ephemera consider themselves a Yorkshire based Hardcore band and have trodden the boards with everyone from Last Hounds and Hell Can Wait to Thrown Into Exile since the