Tag: Voodus

Bootleg: “Suffocation” from Death Reich!

Having given us a crushing rendition of “World War” filmed by Iridium Stream before being mixed by Christer Bergqvist and edited by Simon Hultbrand, Swedish Death Metal act Death Reich have shared a live rendition of “Suffocation” also from their set at Braincrusher In Hell Festival on 23rd March. Both tracks of course appear on

Bootleg: “World War” from Death Reich!

Filmed by Iridium Stream before being mixed by Christer Bergqvist and edited by Simon Hultbrand, Swedish Death Metal act Death Reich have shared a live rendition of “World War” from their set at Braincrusher In Hell Festival  on 23rd March. For those unfamiliar the track one from last years “Disharmony” album, a Non Serviam Records release

Review: “Disharmony” by Death Reich

“Even though humans are considered by many to be the most intelligent species  on earth, we have proven over and over again that we can not coexist with anyone or anything without there being carnage, famine, eradication, suffering and so forth. As long as this continues there will always be disharmony” ~ Death Reich

NEWS: Death Reich prepare for War…

Having escaped the clutches of the final plague, Death Reich march towards the 17th March release date for follow up album “Disharmony” via Non Serviam Records with a single titled “World War“. That is available on limited edition black vinyl over at bandcamp with previous single “Dissimulation” as an instant download with the purchase. Expect

NEWS: Death Reich announce “Disharmony”!

They may have only released a sophomore EP, “The Final Plague” on 2nd December but Death Reich, a Death Metal act featuring members and former members of Sacramentum, Runemagick, Trident, Grief of Emerald, One Man Army and the Undead Quartet, Voodus, Vornth, Sadistic Grimness, Auberon and Decameron have already announced their debut album “Disharmony“. It