Tag: Where Emptiness is All

NEWS: HYL suffer psychedelic hallucinations!

Odium Records recently announced debut album “Where Emptiness is All” of the new band called HYL will be released in May and a second single “Endless Illusions” offers a second glimpse at what it may offer. A new Italian – Polish band started by Rick Costantino (Schizo, Krigere Wolf) who is joined by Shadow (Black

Playthrough: “Into the Unknown” from HYL!

HYL, a new Italian and Polish Black Metal act featuring musicians known for their work in Black Altar, Ofermod, Schizo and Krigere Wolf are set to release their debut album via Odium Records on 20th March. A six track affair, the band have shared so far just one cut in “Into the Unknown” in lyric

NEWS: HYL announce themselves with “Into The Unknown”!

Odium Records has announced the debut album of a new Black Metal act called HYL titled “Where Emptiness is All” will be released on 20th March. Available for pre-order here the band will be far from a mystery for genre lovers as it comprises vocalist Shadow (Black Altar, Ofermod), guitarist and bassist Rick “R.C.” Costantino