Tag: Wormtales

NEWS: Carnosus charm the worms out of a freshly dug grave?

Whispered among worms were the rumors of a new album from Progressive Death Metal outfit Carnosus. Heavier and darker “Wormtales” slithers its way across shifting desert sands from Örebro Sweden, the album is a prequel to their critically acclaimed 2023 record “Visions of Infinihility“. The promise is of some of the band’s most impressive riffs

NEWS: Carnosus swim with the fishes, wriggle with the worms?

A prequel to the critically acclaimed 2023 album “Visions of Infinihility” by Swedish Progressive Death Metal band Carnosus titled “Wormtales” has been announced by Willowtip Records for 18th October in all the usual formats. Re-amped, mixed and mastered by Robert Kukla (Samsas Traum, Obscura, HammerFall) at Obsidian Recording Studios,  the record has been preceded by “Within