Tag: Zerstiren

Playthrough: “Cold Clarity” by The Bones Of God!

Melbourne Australian’s The Bones Of God don’t give a Castlemaine XXXX about anything that isn’t Technical Death Metal and so they shouldn’t, their debut EP “EOS” is an absolutely stunning piece of work from a band who feature in their ranks members of Suldusk, Myriad Drone, The Valley Ends and formerly Zerstiren. So if you missed

Review: “EOS” by The Bones Of God

“Exploring the sum of all human endeavour: the horror, the filth, the grim triumph, and the absolute desolation of life as we feed off our Earth, insects picking clean THE BONES OF GOD”. That is the mission statement of Melbourne Australian quintet The Bones Of God, a band who feature in their ranks members of Suldusk,