Metal Noise TV: August 2017
Metal Noise TV: August 2017.
76 songs deep.
New songs from: Stray From The Path, Varials, SikTh, Stick To Your Guns, Periphery, Oceans Ate Alaska, Infected Rain, Harbinger, We Ride, Crossfaith, The Birthday Massacre, Being As An Ocean, While She Sleeps, Counterparts, The Fever, Rob Scallon, Cradle Of Filth, Palisades
Old songs from: DVSR, Loathe, Once Human, Kissing Candice, Carcer City, Wars, In Death, Still Remains, American Head Charge, Bury Tomorrow, Novelists, A Trust Unclean, From Sorrow To Serenity, Karybdis, Emmure, Eighteen Visions, Lotus Eater, Creeper, Overkill, Deserted Fear, Insomnium, Silent Planet, Every Time I Die, Comeback Kid, Knocked Loose, Higher Power, Oni, Make Them Suffer, Cursed Earth, Tongues, Northlane, Erra, Ocean Grovve, Invent Animate, Terror, Madball, Power Trip, Insanity Alert, Broken Teeth, Architects, Bury Your Dead, Devilment, Lorna Shore, Sworn In, Deez Nuts, Chelsea Grin, Polaris, Kublai Khan, Attila, The World Alive, Slipknot, Savage Messiah, In Hearts Wake
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