Playthrough: “Exile” from Your Last Wish!

Montreal melodic death metallers Your Last Wish unleashed their latest concept album “Eradicate” back in February, the full length beautifully exploiting post-apocalyptic themes with roots in classic death and thrash metal. Drummer extraordinaire Blake Lemieux has picked a pummeling assault of a playthrough for “Exile“, a track with old school thrash influences that also introduces odd-time signatures.

Lemieux comments: “With the talents of musicians that I work with it sure pushes me forward to become a better musician myself when I do these playthroughs. This one originally started off as a band video and then I thought why not make it a drum one too. So now there are two videos of the same song. I had as much fun making this video as I did recording it in the studio with Kevin Jardine (Uplift Productions, Slaves On Dope) along with Steve Vac, the guy who made the video and did an incredible job.”

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