Under The Influence #71: Slit Your Gods on “None So Vile” by Cryptopsy!
Formed in 1988, Crytopsy are a Canadian Technical Death Metal band who spent their first four years going by the name Necrosis. Their sophomore album “None So Vile“, adorned with cover art by Elisabetta Sirani that depicts Princess Herodias during Roman times with the head of John the Baptist on a plate is one that has received universal critical acclaim since it appeared in 1996. Eight tracks and just over half an hour of crushing riffs, pounding drums, aggressive bass lines and Blasphemous lyrics delivered by Lord Worm in a unique and interesting style which we could best describe as a collection of grunts and growls. Drummer Flo Mounier is an absolute monster on the kit, his endurance and unwavering speed is mesmerizing, so much so that he often takes the limelight away from guitarist Jon Levasseur…
Slit Your Gods vocalist Jordi Mora comments: “The first album that came to mind was this one, “Non So Vile”, fast, furious and twisted from start to finish. When Rod proposed the idea of creating a project through a post on Facebook, with the maximum influence of the first Cryptopsy albums, I did not hesitate for a second to tell him that he was interested in participating in the project. When I heard “Non So Vile” for the first time it blew my mind. That almost inhuman drums, those changes of rhythm at that speed, those rotten Lord Worm voices more typical of Grindcore bands, those well-honed guitars and that bass sound, makes everything fit perfectly. As soon as the album starts, he kicks you in the middle of the forehead, that screech that Lorm Worm makes at the beginning, is simply brutal and agonizing. From the beginning this was going to be the line to follow with Slit Your Gods, our name is already a wink nod to the second track of the album by the Canadians “Slit Your Guts”, with that the intention was clear, right? We are not a crude copy of Cryptopsy either, we try to give it our personal touch and that of other bands and others that in the end unintentionally you end up looking like it too”
“Dogmatic Convictions Of Human Decrepitude” by Slit Your Gods is out now