Playthrough: “To Suffer (The Way You Do)” from Pulchra Morte!
Death Doom overlords Death Doom overlords Pulchra Morte, an act comprised of Adam Clemans (Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer), John Porada (Wolvhammer, Abigail Williams), Jarrett Pritchard (Eulogy, Brutality), Clayton Gore (Eulogy, Harkonin), and Jeffrey Breden (Leagues Below), an act comprised of Adam Clemans (Skeletonwitch, Wolvhammer), John Porada (Wolvhammer, Abigail Williams), Jarrett Pritchard (Eulogy, Brutality), Clayton Gore (Eulogy, Harkonin) and Jeffrey Breden (Leagues Below), were joined by Jay Fernandez of Brutality, Monstrosity and Eulogy fame at New Constellation RMP Studios during the tracking for their sophomore album “Ex Rosa Ceremonia“. He provided them with the glorious mournful lead guitar part for “To Suffer (The Way You Do)” and here’s the footage to prove it.