NEWS: Plague Weaver step forth from the black…

Taking us one step closer to their new album “Ascendant Blasphemy“, the highly anticipated follow up to the well received “Through The Sulphur Eyes” on 26th February, Canadian Black Metal duo Plague Weaver have chosen “Deicidal Usurper” to whet your appetite into a pre-order over at bandcamp. The overarching theme of the album is one of infernal forces usurping heaven, all writen from a non-theistic, philosophical illustrative perspective.

Plague Weaver explain the single in their own words: “Deicidal Usurper grabs the listener right out of the gate, reminding them of the earlier tracks. This song has another ambient bridge section, which hangs on just long enough to thrust the listener back into the main riff for the next verse-chorus. The solo in this song is tasteful and proud, with ambient screams feeding the atmosphere behind it. The outro is a bit of a victory-verse feel, winding down into a harpsichord section which introduces the final track.

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