NEWS: Ruttenskalle prepare for the kill!

Portuguese old school Death Metal project Ruttenskalle, the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Paulo Soares (Rageful, Torn Fabriks) have shared a second single in music video form in “Time To Kill” from their upcoming debut album “Skin ’em Alive“. Entirely recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by Soares at Oldskull Sound Studios in Almada Portugal the album which is set for 31th October via Gruesome Music is deeply influenced by the 90’s Swedish Death Metal sound, exploring that patented buzzsaw tone created by seminal artists like Carnage, Dismember and Entombed.

Soares comments: “Skin ’em Alive” is the album I always wanted to do on my own. Took me a few years to achieve that goal, but it is finally here. You can expect an album full of power, aggression and yet melodic and dense in some parts. I think it’s a pretty good old school Death Metal record, which will be appreciated by the fans of this particular genre.

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