Review: “A Trinity Of Rage” by Hammerdrone

For 11 years Calgary, Canadians Hammerdrone have been honing their trademark sound over the duration of a pair of albums (2014’s “Clone Of Europa“, 2017’s “Dark Harvest“) and a pair of EPs (2012’s “A Demon Rising”, 2019’s “Rituals Of Battle“) that mixes fierce aggression, dark atmosphere and elegant melodies to deliver a style of Death Metal delivered with the mantra “No clean singing, no symphonics“. Written over the course of four years, this new offering is a tale which revolves around the fictional second book of Revelation, in which is foretold the threat of Heaven’s destruction at the hands of Eversor, The Destroyer. His story is told by vocalist Graham Harris, written as a prequel to the EP and designed to be read before listening with the lyrics as it continues the narrative arc that the story introduces. Mixed by the band and then burnished to shine by the professional mastering skills of the legendary Jens Bogren (Amon Amarth, Sepultura, Rotting Christ) at Fascination Street Studios in Sweden…

…three songs they might be but they represent over 20 minutes of music so “A Trinity Of Rage” is more than meets the eye. Opening up the floor “Corporeal” is a brutal offering with a mid song drop for a melodic interlude into a face melting solo of the finest order from lead guitarist Rick Cardellini as the band combine Death Metal extremes almost seamlessly within the confines of a single cut; from the melancholic overtones of Melodic Death Metal clearly influenced by Scandinavian acts of the 90’s to the all out guitar attack American Death Metal – there is no quarter given. It’s the more Progressive Death Metal onslaught of “Besieged” however that offers something more intriguing. Starting with a speech from a wrathful God it scalds with burning atmosphere, building with some majestic soaring leads and interesting drum fills from Vinnie Cardellini to create an altogether different beast entirely, as if taken from chapters of influence from a band like Between The Buried And Me. The quality of the musicianship is astounding and it needs to be in order to carry the near eleven minute playing time as it attacks in waves with moments of Jazz inspired flourish and even finale that sees the bass play the song out with the bare drums has an unmistakeable sheen of quality to it. If it wasn’t for Harris’s brutal vocals and the guitar tone itself then you might even question whether this was the same band, the first two songs are so far apart in style – and that’s not a bad thing. Bringing us home “Consummated” follows neatly on from the harrowing tale of “Besieged“, continuing the Progressive Death Metal with some eerie lingering moments of lead that may put the faint of heart on edge while the rhythm section have a field day providing the ammunition. Getting the balance right between the melodies and the all out aggressive parts is something the band have have done incredibly well here and in doing so have opened a door to a dark and mysterious world… [7.5/10]

Track listing

1. Part I – Rage, Corporeal (03:28)
2. Part II – Rage, Besieged (10:54)
3. Part III – Rage, Consummated (06:00)

A Trinity Of Rage” by Hammerdrone is out 10th December 2021 and is available for pre-order over at bandcamp.

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