NEWS: Allegaeon have a campfire story to tell…
It might still be over a month away but initial reviews for the upcoming Allegaeon album “Damnum” have already begun to surface and the ratings and comments make for very interesting reading. How many more singles will appear before 25th February is also an a topic of debate but the quality of new single “Of Beasts and Worms” is from the upper echelons which can only mean Metal Blade Records are licking their lips at the prospect of accolades…
The band comment: “This newest single ‘Of Beasts and Worms’ is about finding a place of inner quiet, a safe haven to explore your thoughts and escape from the anxieties of your life. This lyrical intention is paired with a depiction of disparity and tiredness with the world around you and the stressors that contribute to the deafening silence of the mundane. In the music video, we showcase a more physical – and graphic – display of this thought process where the escape from the daily grind is manifested into a willing self-sacrifice. Though a dramatization, this concept of sacrifice to find your own personal peace can be applied to something less tangible and played an important role in my own process while writing the lyrics for DAMNUM. Thank you for watching and listening, we hope you enjoy it”
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