NEWS: Visitant share “Dematerialization” and EP plans!
Formed by a group of seasoned veterans from various US states, Blackened Death Metal monsters Visitant converged in Nashville, Tennessee earlier this year to record a debut single “Dematerialization” which has now been unleashed upon the World. Comprised of Matthew Brown (Demon King, ex-Enfold Darkness), Taylor Tidwell and Chelsea Strickland (voice actor at Monster Factory), with the later addition of Terran Fernandez (ex-Mindscar) and Anthony Lusk-Simone (Abiotic) there are evil plans afoot to deliver an EP in 2023 that further intertwines Victorian mourning vibes with Black Metal, writing at a distance.
Vocalist Chelsea Strickland explains their introduction to the extreme metal community and music video: “Right before the idea of Visitant, I was binging all of The Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor and became infatuated. I really grew an attachment to them because the emotions were relatable. My grandfather became terminally ill around the same time. My mother also became dangerously ill around the same time. I associated the series with them… The feelings I had while watching that. Were comparable to real-life events. Anyway, I was in love with how beautifully those series were written and shot. The cinematography was so superb. I was hooked… and when I moved to Nashville from Pensacola, I started Visitant with Matt. The name is another word for an apparition. I wanted to embody the intense yet heart-wrenching vibes it carried. So I felt the name was fitting. I’ve always loved ghost stories since I was a kid. Discussing the ideas and concepts of Visitant with Matt and Taylor came easily. We wanted to create a project where we could feel free to write what we wanted without it being too complicated or forced. To make it as dark and spine-tingling as we wanted it to be. I think our single Dematerialization and more to follow will be well received. I honestly feel our sound is unique. We have really rad guitar lines and melodies. We just want the audience to experience the music with all senses eventually. Audibly, we just hope it makes you feel something.”