NEWS: From Drummers to Bassists: The next Demonstealer guest revealed!
After the announcement of the fourth and final drummer for the upcoming Demonstealer album the announcements have moved to bassists with Dominic Forest Lapointe of First Fragment and Augury fame joining the movement. Each daily reveal has been coupled with a minute or so of music with count on guests aside from the multi instrumentalist Demonstealer himself now reaching five. If you haven’t heard his last record “The Holocene Termination” then we highly recommend it – and as a point of note – it also features a cast of incredible Death Metal talent.
The daily death count so far…
Dominic Forest Lapointe (First Fragment, Augury)
Sebastian Lancer (Obsidious, Panzerballett, Juvaliant)
James Payne (Katalysm, Hiss From The Moat)
Ken Bedene (Aborted)
Hannes Grossmann (Triptykon, Blotted Science, ex-Necrophagist, ex-Obscura)