NEWS: Jaodae premier “Nest Of Veins”!

If first single “Tree of Ténéré” and now title track “Nest of Veins” are anything to go by a cohesive freight train of polyrhythms, melodies and most importantly riffs will be the backbone of the forthcoming album of Progressive Heavy Instrumental trio Jaodae. Due out 7th July via Black Throne Productions, it follows an EP in “Chimera” that was only released in March…

Drummer Spencer Robson comments: “It’s more about feel or flow than it is about a sub-genre. It’s something that only comes from a killer creative partnership. We don’t share a lot of musical tastes, but we deeply respect each other, so we’re challenging ourselves in an open, creative environment. It’s kind of the best case scenario for writing music, because when we’re locked in, we’re not emulating other bands. What comes out, comes out

Guitarist Roberto Ercoli adds: “As an instrumental band, our main goal is to make music that is exciting to play and listen back to and I believe this LP ticks all the boxes. Without a vocalist, the big challenge is to write melody and structure that engages the listener as much as a vocalist does. We’ve been meticulous about crafting a soundscape that hooks you immediately and makes you want to keep coming back for more

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