NEWS: Harms Way devour all in their path?
Continuing their ascendency to a higher realm of thought, Chicago Illinois Harms Way have shared “Devour” from their upcoming Metal Blade Records Hardcore meets Metal and Electronics in a brutal fashion album “Common Suffering“. If you’ve heard first single “Silent Wolf” you’ll know it’s going to be just as vicious, angry and cathartic as their prior convictions while those all important pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
The band comment; “‘Devour’ is an expression of self-reflection following the realization that everything that was once there to give has been spent. Led down a path of deception and manipulation, one’s sense of self has been lost along the way. ‘Devour’ is the process of waking up to your isolation, with actions and purpose that are somehow no longer your own. It’s a crossroads that can lead you either the rest of the way down, or back to where whatever’s lost may be found again.”
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