NEWS: Karras drink poison until immune!

In a curious twist of fate having already given us a pair of cuts from it, Extreme Power Trio, Karras, known for their one two punch combinations of Punk-Crust, Grindcore and Early 90’s raw Death Metal, have shared cover art, the album title and pre-orders for their sophomore album “We Poison Their Young” without one. The record will drop via M-Theory Audio on 29th September, continuing the ode to the life and death of Father Damien Karras from cult film “The Exorcist“. If you missed it, “Roland Doe” is streaming now. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

Vocalist and guitarist Diego Janson comments: “This album is inspired by the 1940’s story of a teenager who was known as ROLAND DOE and was an alleged victim of demonic possession. The priests of the Roman Catholic Church performed a series of exorcisms and thought they had expelled the malevolent spirits.  


Roland was an only child dependent upon adults and enslaved in his household by his parents, the priests and his Aunt Harriet. The latter, a so-called spiritualist, introduced Roland to the Ouija board and convinced him that he had evil in him. Roland never chose anything for himself, what to believe and what not to believe, what was beautiful or ugly, what was evil or virtuous. He had always been under the influence of his own kind and through these exorcisms, he came to understand that everything he knew was wrong and that he was a slave to humanity.

This album is about the rebellion against the process of domestication that we impose on our youth and which has been repeated since the dawn of time. We poison our young and we poison their young.”


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