NEWS: War Curse need a miracle?
Purveyors of Old School Thrash Metal with new school aggression, Cincinnati Ohio’s War Curse have unveiled “Miracle Broker” as the first rabbit out of the hat from a new album “Confession“. Curiously it cuts adrift as standalone March single “Shadow Gods” with Metal Blade Records set to distribute the ten track affair on 20th October. Pre-orders available over at bandcamp.
Guitarist Justin Roth: “‘Miracle Broker’ is an unapologetic knife to the chest of corrupt religious figureheads, masquerading as modern day Gods. For years I’ve tried to disguise my hardcore roots, keeping our songwriting far away from outside influences. ‘Miracle Broker’ is the result of breaking that rule and writing a song for myself, not for an audience. It’s moody, it’s heavy, it gets straight to the point, and it’s catchy as all hell. Consider it ‘crossover reimagined.’”
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