Playthrough: “Afterlife” from Angel Rising!

The third album in three years from one man Death Metal project Angel Rising complete with its Doom-esque artwork from Dechristianize Art is a thing of Death Metal beauty. Taking influence from Old School Thrash and Death Metal records, the French multi instrumentalist and vocalist formerly known as Listangel has also taken on recording, mixing and mastering duties this time out. So aside from artwork only clean vocals from M. Fox on “Worn Out Blood” and “Dominion“, the album really is the work of a single evil genius. In evidence a live guitar playthrough of the title track “Afterlife” is offered and if you like what you hear you can find the album over at bandcamp.

“The concept album Afterlife depicts an interdimensional being that stalks life in our universe because it represents a threat to existence itself. And the human species, or at least what it has become after the events described in the previous creations of Angel Rising, is now its target. The cover shows the hero, Asai, struggling with a horde of undead, and unaware of the even greater danger that awaits him.” ~ Angel Rising

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