Review: “Errors” by icantdie
“Errors is our darkest and most chaotic release yet. The past few years we’ve always given our songs names that end in the letters “ER”. This represents the ‘Errors’ that I see in myself mentally and physically. It allowed me to be more open and also angrier with myself” ~ Kyle Smith, vocals and guitars
Depending on where you look, you can find icantdie listed as Post-Hardcore, Alternative Rock or Alternative Metal and the truth is that the Welsh trio defy genres with ease, writing what they chose as and when they see fit. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Todd Campbell (Straight Lines, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons), their third EP “Errors” builds on the foundations of what came before it including working with both Gav Burrough (Funeral For a Friend) and Sean Smith (Raiders, The Blackout). Vocalist and guitarist Kevin Smith joined by drummer Adam Kerslake and Sam Bennet have long cited Everytime I Die and Biffy Clyro amongst their influences but this record, well it’s something else…
For other bands opening cut “Hater” would have been final cut on a record, the delicate opening verse finding Smith accompanied by his guitar alone and feeling Punk Goes Pop in style as a story unfolds. 70 odd seconds in the drums, bass and a harmonica come into play, the later giving (hed)p.e. vibes as anyone who has seen the Nu-Metal outfit live will know about their use of the melodica. What’s impressive is the second step up which is less expected with Smith unleashing a bloodcurdling scream in final third that ushers in the powerhouse riffs. Worth every second of the wait, that transition for the brutal finale is mind blowing, a real gut punch moment. Keeping things at the heavier end of Post-Hardcore with screamed vocals from Smith and gang chants alongside some Celtic Punk fuelled drive “Follower” has a real edge to it that makes the record flow nicely, the later half of the opening cut the perfect partner to the opening half of this one. An almost ambient melodic passage is a nice touch adding a richness before the slap in the face of “Teaser” hits. A cut that has a chunky riff and bounce that is reminiscent of 1998 era Soulfly, at first this one feels like you’ve been zapped into another record. It’s only when the vocals surface that you realised that’s not the case and the wow factor is immense. Even after another seemingly formulaic melodic moment, the final verse feels like a sucker punch. Remember Feed The Rhino? Well “Vaunter” echoes their work in sublime fashion, the gruff vocals and energy of this Alternative Metal cut flawless. Earworm riffs, that get stuck in your head like bullet ricochets alongside pounding drums makes this one a stone cold winner from a band who wear their influences on their sleeves. One last time around the sun? Why not? “Reaper” finishes the record in style with more of the same, a couple of clean vocal parts a nice change up in this whirlwind of rhythmic distortion [7.5/10]
Track Listing
- Hater
- Follower
- Teaser
- Vaunter
- Reaper
“Errors” by icantdie is out 17th November 2023 and will be everywhere you expect it to be… as well as a few that you wouldn’t