NEWS: Mother of All announce sophomore album “Global Parasitic Leviathan”!

After the success of 2021’s debut album “Age of the Solipsist”, a sophomore album from Mother of All was always on the tarot cards, it was always simply a matter of how long we’d have to wait. For his next work, multi instrumentalist mastermind Martin Haumann (Myrkur, Afsky, Mercenary) is no longer working with the famed session musicians that were a big part of the record but instead for the first time has a full line up at his disposal with a view to playing these new songs live. Having recruited musicians from Lamentari, Chaoswave and Withering Surface work has been completed on “Global Parasitic Leviathan” which is now set for 12th April release and will coincide with a tour with Defacing God. “Cosmic Darkness” is the first single and pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.

Martin Haumann, the architect behind the Danish group, states: “‘Cosmic Darkness is the opening number of ‘Global Parasitic Leviathan.’ The new social contract descends from above. A new civic religion promises to turn our dark vices into an engine of progress. But at what cost?”

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