Review: “Self Titled” by Night Slasher

“You want to go to hell? Huh, pig? You want to go to hell with me? It doesn’t matter, does it? We are the hunters. We kill the weak so the strong survive. You can’t stop the New World. Your filthy society will never get rid of people like us. It’s breeding them! WE ARE THE FUTURE!” ~ The Night Slasher

Whether Night Slasher are named after the main antagonist of the 1986 action movie Cobra or not, the infamous serial killer and leader of the fascist movement known a “The New World” is definitely one worthy of that honour. The roots of the band go back to 2014 when they began life as an alco-thrash act called Alcotopia who released an album titled  “It Hits The Spot” in 2019 as well as opening shows for legends such as Destruction and Necronomicon. However vocalist Laurynas Karka, guitarist Juozapas Bočkus, bassist Tomas Ivanovas and drummer Dmitrijus Matvejevas became restless. The bands sound had evolved over their near decade together and with something distinctly darker and faster in their hearts they rebranded themselves in 2023…

…while the new sound is in Blackened Speed Metal there are still early 80’s American Thrash roots on show throughout this rip roaring affair with moments of “Whiplash” era Metallica and spitting snarling early Megadeth as clear as day in Night Slasher’s long line of influences. This tornado of souls should however come with a public health warning as with a few notable exceptions in the form of moments rather than tracks, these musicians know only one speed to play at. In case you hadn’t already guessed, that’s the breakneck speed, the tempo of the damned in which venues get reduced to rubble, necks get snapped, spines shattered and beer spilled in complete and utter bedlam. There is no mid-tempo chugger or moody atmospheric cut in the work of this servants of the dark lord so if that is what you’re looking for, turn away now. Instead the familiar shriek of a dual guitar attack tearing down your blue skies and painting everything black while a vocalist drinks whiskey from the skull of his latest victim is the essence of what Night Slasher are about.

Racing, raging opening cut “Ice” sets the tone in adrenaline fuelled style, taking a leaf out of the playbook of American bands like Sadistic Force in the process. Fast and loose, this one is a no nonsense tune with a flamboyant solo from Bočkus and finds the band throwing their bullets in the fire and before running like hell. “Black Trip” then follows suit with a hint of a King Diamond or Children Of Bodom influence, the neck snapping Black ‘n Roll onslaught having an infectious quality despite the venomous vocals from Karka. If a usual template saw a band slow down as a cut played out this one does the opposite, somehow getting faster when it seemed impossible to do so without coming off the rails, something which tells you a lot about the stature of the musicians. There is a smile cracking element to the lyrical narratives of some of these songs, something which goes a long way to ensuring they are a good time and “Clyster Lizard” is a fine example. If you stop headbanging for long enough to actually listen to what Karka has to say that is because this breakneck rampage is one that is capable of taking your head clean off.

The sheer intensity of the opening three cuts ensures that Night Slasher have your undivided attention as they go hell for leather through ferocious Thrash riffs and majestic Black Metal chaos however there is more to them than meets the eye. The ominous melody of the start of “Liver Ripper” starts off slow but you can feel the rage underneath it and as the blood begins to boil the band throw kerosene of the fire and launch themselves headlong into the tempo of the damned once more. The reprieve is enough to ensure a moments respite for the blood and sweat soaked fans in the mosh pit and this nightmarish vision is made oh so real with a solo in the final moments. A thinly veiled attempt at injecting a sing-a-long chorus pays off handsomely with the dark tale that is “Pit Of Hate“, another vicious little ditty that is set ablaze by the unstoppable riffs. Karka has all the story telling capabilities that you could want, the only issue is that the band only know how to play at at lightening speed. That means it takes a few spins to get to grips with the lyrics which the band describe as “dark spiritual journeys fuelled by visions of the absurd nightmares of our reality and total demonic self annihilation” but you can bet your bottom dollar that it is worth doing so, especially with the darkness of this stand out cut.

Total annihilation is achieved with “Ablaze“, the bands endless lust for vengeance rearing its ugly head once more as fretboards smoulder like a funeral pyre. It’s as if the band are the four horsemen of the apocalypse riding down Route 666 on a flaming, highly tuned, turbocharged Suzuki Hayabusa like Ghost Rider. They know no remorse, they know no regret and their evil laughter can be heard for miles around. Then comes “Towers” which has the bass from Tomas Ivanovas at the fore and gives him a well deserved moment in the limelight. It feels like the albums natural conclusion, a fever dream of blazing guitars extended to showcase a little more of everything. However there is one final back breaking moment with the viciously deranged monster that is “Satan In The Hall“. A catchy parody that brings to mind Wednesday 13 hammer horror darkness, this one will leave you wondering what you’ve just heard. Yes, this should have been released on Halloween [8/10]

Track Listing:

1. Ice
2. Black Trip
3. Clyster Lizard
4. Liver Ripper
5. Pit Of Hate
6. Ablaze
7. Towers
8. Satan In The Hall

Self Titled” by Night Slasher is out 6th February 2024 via Sliptrick Records

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