NEWS: Kharma survive “By Any Means”!
Pummeling audiences into submission with their ferocious brand of the Hardcore since 2015, Chicago homewreckers Kharma have issued another statement of intent with a second pre-release single “By Any Means” from their upcoming new album “A World Of Our Own“. Set for 12th April via Flatspot Records, it saw the band working with producer Jon Markson at The Animal Farm (Regulate, Jivebomb) with the cut finding the band joined by Sebastian Paba of Regulate. Pre-orders are available over at bandcamp.
Vocalist Jordan Moten comments: “‘By Any Means’ is a very important song to me. It’s actually the first song that was written for this record. Being Black in America is tiptoeing every day of your life with the knowledge that one perceived wrong move could be your last. This song is a mission statement that sometimes it takes more than words to make people see where we’re coming from.”