NEWS: Misanthropik Torment love to hate!

Lexington Kentucky DIY or DIE Death Metal outfit Misanthropik Torment have unveiled another therapeutic tune in “Click Hate” as they continue to wage war on the darker side of humanity. The track follows “Indigenous Lands” as their third seemingly stand alone single since 2023 album “Ecdysis” and is branded with the mark of Earache Records digital distribution.

The band comment: “Media manipulation has become a pervasive issue, with mainstream platforms often deploying tactics designed to mislead and divide. ‘Click Hate’ refers to the deliberate use of inflammatory content to keep users engaged, perpetuating false narratives and fostering division.

Bots and trolls play a significant role in distorting genuine discussions and influencing public opinion. Outrage and anger are monetized by media platforms to drive user engagement and profits.

Do Not Feed This Machine.”

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