NEWS: Thirteen Goats have murder on their minds…

There is simply no easy way to put this so lets just get it over with. On 12th July Exitus Stratagem Records (EXSR) will be distributing “Capricorn Rising”, an Extreme Metal rock opera concept album about madness, death and the destruction of all things from Vancouver Canadians Thirteen Goats. The band have shared a third burnt offering from that in a music video directed by Mily Mumford for one called “Murder Lives in the Heart” with pre-orders available over at bandcamp.

Vocalist and guitarist Graham K. Miles comments: “The song is about the nature of vengeance. Vengeance feels good when you’ve been wronged. But just because something feels good, that doesn’t make it right. I wrote the song after getting my heart broken, to remind myself that the pain would make me a monster if I let it. In the story we’re telling on the record, our main character Shepherd experiences that when he loses his faith in humanity and sells his soul to become the Antichrist.

The video explores the same theme from a different perspective. It’s about three women who murder the members of the band one by one and reanimate them into zombies. Their reasons are never shown, but we get a strong sense that they feel justified in what they’re doing. Whether it’s right or wrong is left up to the audience. We’re not here to tell you when revenge is okay or not—but we want to show that it always has a spiritual cost.”

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