NEWS: This fire burns for Vast Pyre!
Having gained a lot of attention for their performance at Burgbrand Open Air last August, German Stoner Doom Metal trio Vast Pyre returned to the studio to complete a self titled album. A guitar only band with a twin axe attack and drummer who handles vocal duties, the trio specialise in creating riffs fit for worship, deliberately leaving the bass out entirely. If you’re interested in what that sounds like, the second single from the record “Eternal Funeral” is now streaming with the full beast available on 30th August via Octopus Rising.
The band comment: “Beware those dark pleasures which surround you: Before the Vast Pyre fulfills its relentless force, you’ll dwell in a constantly obsessed mind with the second single „Eternal Funeral“. VAST PYRE is a mirror of failure; reflection of the soul; adrift inadequacies and human obscurities. Come, and enter a world of heavy-hypnotising riffs and unhinged souls. BEHOLD THE NIGHTTIME”