Review: “Conceal” by Lost To Light

“Everyone experiences times in their life where they are facing challenges internally, whilst to those around them they may seem completely fine. This EP speaks as an example of some of these concealed struggles and offers an open hand to the listener by letting them know they are not alone.” ~ Lost To Light

Last summers 10th anniversary of Tech-Fest gave us the opportunity to witness first hand a band live who had just a single track for our listening pleasure out in the World. Not knowing what to expect we couldn’t pass up the opportunity with the line up consisting of current and former members of Sworn Amongst, The Cartographer, Skies In Motion, Laguna Sunrise and Path To Prevail and believe us when we say, given their calibre and reputations they did not disappoint. Naturally, given their biting, heavy and emotionally charged performance that means that the debut EP “Conceal” from the Derby based twelve legged Underground Metal supergroup was something we couldn’t wait to get our teeth into. Are you ready?

A twin vocal attack of Nick May and Ash Currie inflict plenty of damage with opening cut “Redeemer” as they blend throat splitting uncleans with a soaring and uplifting clean sing-a-long chorus. A modern Metalcore track with a huge drum sound and crunchy riffs, it’s an upgrade on the golden era of the genre that was 2003 with it’s modern production values, the key being that the band lose none of their momentum or energy when the cleans come in. All the experience the musicians have gathered in terms of song writing with their other projects shines through in what they offer here despite it being something of a departure from the Deathcore, Thrash and Groove Metal that they’re known for. Icy keys, programming and raw emotive clean vocals give “Unrelenting” another dimension with Lost To Light not afraid to experiment and blur the lines between sub-genres if it works for the song. Increasing the energy and dialling up the intensity for a brutal DJent tinged mid section with a brutal verse ensures this one still packs plenty of punch, the groove laden main riff a head bangers delight.

The aforementioned now year old first single is “Narcissist” and splits the EP clean in half like a hatchet to the skull. A rampage through down tuned staccato riffage barrages accompanied by a whirlwind of percussive battery, it’s nothing short of a double dose of heavy before another arena sized clean chorus. The two extremes of vocals might put a few naysayers off but they work here incredibly well and give the song a real sense of balance. Unlike other bands who seem to do cleans for the sake of it sometimes, there is none of that here and their emotive quality actually adds a weight and gravity to the harsher moments.

There is a Punk Goes Pop quality to “Confess” that may have the Fearless Records lawyers sharpening their pencils because the quality of the heart felt clean vocals with their Nu-Metal introspective quality is just so impressive. An unexpected guilty pleasure which feels like it could have been inspired by the likes of “Confession” era Ill Nino or even “What Separates Me From You” era A Day To Remember but with sharper edges, it maintains the punch of the heavy guitar work while having a lyrical narrative to which we can all relate. “Comatose” was always going to be a heavier final cut and the bouncy Modern Metalcore riffs with hits at Melodic Death Metal roots are added to by a furious kit performance by drummer Thomas Alfrey who adds a little blasting during the heaviest parts to give them a little more spice. A clean chorus maintains the continuity but the contrast between them and the Deathcore level uncleans is what makes the track. Ending on a DJent fuelled breakdown section that is pure class and could easily go on for another few minutes will leave you, the discerning listener, holding out your beggars bowl and wanting more. Fortunately, a sophomore EP is in the works… [8.5/10]

Track Listing

  1. Redeemer
  2. Unrelenting
  3. Narcissist
  4. Confess
  5. Comatose

Conceal” by Lost To Light is out 2nd August 2024

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